Analysing a film and its elements implies dealing with the story, setting, sound, colour, characters, camera shots, angles and movements, reviews...

It is important  to bear in mind looking for videos thar are carefully curated marked as STAFF PICKS. All the videos marked with this have been hand picked by real humans who work at Vimeo

Two recommended books are:
FILM IN ACTION: teaching languages using moving images Kieran Donaghy
señanza del cine. Juan A. Pérez Millán


By Denise O´Keeffe

A film is an experience of images, sounds, emotions.

What main elements make a film work? – The three Cs and Ss

STORY, SETTING, SOUND:  these can be applied to any text or media.

COLOUR, CHARACTER, CAMERA: these are unique to film.


   This is the narrative of a film and provides its basic structure and shape.

This provides the backdrop against which a film or a scene in a film takes place. It can be geographical and historical. It can identify a mood or situation and can help the audience understand the actions and emotions of the characters. Most films contain a main setting and secondary/minor settings. These can be interior (in a building) or exterior. They can be filmed on location or in specially built sets.


The soundtrack contains various elements which contribute to telling the story and are used for various effects.
  Sound can be diegetic or actual sound (voices of the characters, sounds        made by objects in the story, for example footsteps, waves, crowd noises, music from instruments in the story space) Sound can be added later when the film is edited.
Sound can also be non-diegetic or commentary sound (a commentary by a narrator, sound effects, music or score)
Silence – it can make an impact on the feeling or atmosphere in a film. It can add emotional tension or emphasis.

How many different sounds do you hear? What are they? How does the music in the film make you feel?

When do the music or sounds change? What is happening on screen when the sound or music change?
If you listen to the sounds and music without the images can you tell what is happening? Are there any moments of silence in the film? When do they happen?]

This contributes to how a film looks and helps to tell the story. It can convey mood and atmosphere (bright colours, sombre colours, different shades); visual contrasts are used to make a character, building or place stand out. Colour can also show the passing of time.

What colours do you see?
When do the colours change and why?
What do the colours tell you about the time of day the story took place?
What are the main colours used in the film? Are some more important than others? Why do you think certain colours are used?
What colours would you have chosen?
Do the colours change when the story is in a different setting? Are any colours associated with particular characters?
How important do you think the colours are in the film?
What would the film have been like in black and white or in just one colour?]

Note: Explain the different meanings of «character» in the English language.

Personaje  en literatura, teatro, película  a person in fiction, film or theatre Carácter  modo de ser/personalidad  the moral quality of a person
Signo, letra  a writing symbol
Fama, reputación  reputation
Cualidades especiales – special qualities that are interesting or unusual

Is there a main character or characters? What do they look like?
How do they dress? How do they speak?
How can you tell what the characters are thinking or how they are feeling? How do they behave? How do they behave towards other characters?

Do any of the characters have particular music or sounds? Which character interests you most?
Would you have included any other characters in the story?
How would the story be different with another character added or a character taken away?

The camera acts as a narrator with sequences of camera shots leading the viewer through the story. It is important to think about when and why certain shots are used. A camera reveals a character’s viewpoint and expressions. It describes scenes and settings. It creates tension and conveys the pace of the action.
Different shots convey detail, scene setting and a broader context. Angles and movements of the camera convey moods, atmosphere and moods.

Camera shot size – you use different sized shots to show different things: Here are some basic sizes:
A close-up: This shows part of the subject – their face or their head and shoulders. It lets you imagine what the character is feeling.
An extreme close up: this shows a small part of a person or thing, for example the eyes. It is used to show an important detail.
A mid-shot: this shows the top half of the body. You see the face and what the person is doing. A long-shot: this shows someone from head to foot. You can see the person in the setting
An extreme long shot: you are too far away to recognise people. You can use it at the beginning of a film to show the setting.

Camera angle: instead of just shooting everything at eye level, the camera can go above, below or behind the subject.
Here are some basic angles:
A low angle shot: you point the camera up at the person.
A high angle shot: you point the camera down at the person. A birdseye shot looks straight down at the scene or a thing.
A Dutch angle shot: you shoot with the camera on a slant. The effect is to make things seem odd.

Camera movements:
Tracking shots: the camera is steady, on a surface with wheels and can go forwards (track in) or backwards (track out) or sideways (crab)

What shots can you identify?
When do you see a long shot or a close up shot?

What are the different shots used for?
How does the camera help to tell the story?
When does the camera move and when does it stay still?
What do the first shots tell us about the story, the setting, the characters?

A review is an opinion that comments on how good or bad a book, film, play or other work of art is.

A film review has a number of purposes:
1.-To inform.
The review needs to tell people who is in the film, who it is by and where or when readers can see it.
 2.- To describe.
The review should describe the story, characters and some of the action - without spoiling the plot or giving too much away!
3.- To analyse.
A good review gives an opinion on whether the film is good or not and why. 4.- To advise.
Finally, the review should tell the reader whether or not to go and see the film.

Style – Personal? Informal? Who is the target audience?
One of the most important things to remember when writing a review is who you are writing for. Why is someone reading the review, and what information do they need to know?

Note: Most people read reviews to find out if they want to see the film so imagine what you would like to know in their situation, if you hadn’t seen it yet.


It's important to use the right language for discussing films.
Film types or genres: comedy, action, animation, drama; thriller; adventure film, horror, etc. (Exercise on genres)

Useful words:
Character; setting; story; narrative; sound; dialogue; soundtrack; sound effects; shots; mood; to shoot a film

Performance: how the film is acted. Direction: how the story is told.
Editing: how the parts of the film or action are put together.
Music and sound effects: how the music works with or against the pictures.
Special effects: how the film uses unusual techniques such as computer-generated imagery (CGI).
Cinematography: how the film looks (how it is photographed).

The last film I saw was / The last book I read was The film is directed by
The book is written by

The story/action takes place in…… / The action of the film is set in The story is based on ………

The main characters are……..
There are many memorable characters including …………..
The story is about ……..
The film/book/novel tells the story of ………….
The main theme of the story is …………..

I was impressed by …… I think …………
The film is exciting…………..

What surprised me was……………………..
What I liked is………………………
What I didn’t like is………………………
I liked/didn’t like the film/book/novel because …………..
I would recommend this film to …………
I wouldn’t recommend it for children/teenagers/adults because ……………
It’s one of the best/worst films I’ve ever seen.
Although I’m not normally keen on (musicals/horror films/science fiction films, etc), I’m glad I decided to go.

Common words and phrases used in film reviews that advanced students might want to use in their reviews;
Spectacular visual effects, excessive violence, breathtaking, evocative, unsuccessful, irresistible, perfect, wonderful, hilarious, unexpected plot twists, unbelievable, disappointing, imitation, typical, thrilled,. It was a very moving portrayal, credible, too many clichés, captivating.
Don’t miss it / Not to be missed

Before writing a review students should think about the following questions and make notes:

What did you watch?
What did you like about the film? / What did you not like/ dislike? How did the film make you feel?
Who were the main characters? Who was your favourite character? Did anything confuse you? Why?
Have you seen any other films like it? How is this one the same? How is it different? What surprised you about the film?
Which parts will you remember the most and why? Would you like to watch it again? Why?
If you had directed this film, how would you have made it better? What will you tell your friends about this film?

Generally a review can be divided into four paragraphs.

Paragraph one is the introduction:

A few sentences. You give the reader some basic information.
For a film you would give the title, the director or producer, possibly the main actors, and the general type – action, romance, comedy, science fiction, etc.
For a book, you would give the title, the author, and the type – that is, novel, story collection, biography, and memoir.
Try to make it interesting or exciting so that the reader wants to continue reading.

Paragraph Two – A summary of the synopsis: a short description of a film.
Briefly describe what happens in the film - the plot and action. Don’t give every detail. Remember that plot summaries are always written in the present tense.
For example: "Frodo and Sam leave the Shire and go to Mordor to destroy the ring of power." You should avoid details which would spoil viewing the film for others and you should not give away the ending. Many people read reviews before they see the film or read the book. You should just tell enough of the plot in order to give them a general idea of what to expect.
Note: teach the expression «spoiler», the verb «spoil»
Estropear (The bad news spoilt my evening)/ mimar (a spoilt child/to spoil a child) and the expression spoilsport (aguafiestas)

Paragraph Three – Style
Write about anything special the book or film offers. For a film, you might mention the quality of the acting or script or photography or special effects and how these add to the atmosphere of the film.

Paragraph Four – Evaluation and analysis
Did you like the film? Why? / Why not? Describe how you feel about the film.

For advanced students
Evaluate the technical elements. How do the cinematography, editing, lighting, sound, and other components support or detract from the film? Is music appropriate and effectively employed? Judge the story. Are the character’s actions justified, and are their motives plausible? Does the plot make sense? Is the story line logical? Is the narrative arc well shaped, with an economy of form, or is it flabby or drawn out, with time-killing pointlessness? Rate the actors.
What could the performers, the screenwriters, or the filmmaker have done differently to make the movie work better?

Finally, sum up your opinion of the book or film and then say whether or not you would recommend it and for whom. For example, some books or films might be inappropriate for children but great for teens and adults; others teens might like but adults might not.


A.  Match the film genre to the description:


1.  A film without real people. Another word for a cartoon.
2.   A film that tells a story
3.  A film with cowboys and Indians, usually set in America
4.   A film with lots of songs and dancing
5.  A film involving the police
6.   A film that will make you laugh a lot
7.   A film set in the future
8.   A film that is very frightening
9.  An old movie, often in black and white
10.  A film with a love story
11.  A film that is factual
12.  A film that keeps you on the edge of your seat and you are not sure what will happen

B.  One word adjectives to describe a film


Add three more adjectives.

Which adjectives are positive? Which adjectives are negative?
Which adjectives could be used to describe 1. a comedy; 2. A horror film

C.  Creating Effective Film Reviews – One-word review

List three films you have watched recently: give the title of the film, then one word to describe it, then one sentence about it.

Funny   - This film was fantastic because the characters were funny and the animation helped to bring my favourite book to life.

D.  The part of a review that describes the plot is called a ‘synopsis’. We want a review to tell us a little bit about what happens in the film – but not too much. Too much detail can be boring for the reader and might even spoil the film. That’s why giving away the end of the film in a review is called a ‘spoiler’.

Describe a film in no more than 3 sentences. Remember: no spoilers!

E.  Creative comparisons
One of the best ways to help someone understand something they haven’t experienced yet is by comparing it to something that they have experienced.
Can you complete the sentence for each of these comparisons? Example: TOY STORY
If this film were an animal………………
Suggestion: it would be a puppy because it’s playful and cute If this film were a well-known person it would be ………….
If this film were a book it would be ………………..

If this film was an ice cream flavour it would be ………………

F.   A review is just an opinion – there are no right or wrong answers! But some reviews are better than others.

Here are 2 reviews on FROZEN. Which do you think is most effective?

Review one:
This film is about two girls who are sisters. They have some troubles. This film was good because a snowman sang. I liked the bit where the wolves chased the sled. It was scary. Everyone should watch this film because it was good. I would not recommend this film for old people.

Review two:
In a kingdom far, far away, two young princesses who were once close now live a quiet and lonely life in their castle. But when elder sister Elsa is asked to take the throne, a
secret is revealed – with serious consequences for the two sisters and for the whole kingdom. FROZEN is a beautiful CGI animation featuring strong characters, including a hilarious  supporting cast of a reindeer and shape-shitfting snowman. The icy landscapes and wintery colours are visually stunning and the songs are catchy, making this film a feel-good festive treat. Suitable for all ages, but definitely aimed at girls and this film is one to watch with your sister!

Review one is a more/less effective review because... Review two is a more/less effective review because...

Can you improve the less effective review? What could you add, change or move to make it more effective?


What kind of film did you think it was going to be? Did the film continue as you expected?
What did you like about this film? What did you dislike about this film?
Was there anything that confused or surprised you? What was most memorable about it and why?
Have you seen any other films like this one or about the same theme? How is this film the same?
How is it different?

If you had made this film, what would you have done differently?

Did the film make you think differently about similar experiences in real life? Would you like to watch it again? Why? / Why not?

What will you tell your friends or family about this film? Who do you think would especially like it?

By Denise O'Keefy. 
Face-to-face course @CFPIdiomas 
USING FILMS TO TEACH: oral communication, writing, vocabulary, grammar,
                                         cultural aspects ...

AND OTHER SUBJECTS IN ENGLISH: PE, Music, Technology, Art, Social and Natural Sciences, Maths...

Denise O´Keeffe suggested getting into Film English and explore.

For example, Lost Property by Asa Lucander. Click here to access the film and the activities.

This EFL lesson is designed around a beautiful short film titled Lost Property by Asa Lucander. Students do a dictation, work out meanings of the verb ‘lose’, speak about lost items, watch a trailer and short film, and write a story.

She also recommending choosing videos (short films) on Vimeo Staff Picks which are carefully curated.


KNOCK KNOCK – BRUNETTES SHOOT BLONDES Animation of a song using i-phones and ipads

Brunettes Shoot Blondes is a Ukrainian indie rock band, founded in early 2010 and based out of Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine. The group gained international recognition in September 2014 for an animated music video to their song "Knock Knock".


Knock Knock
Tell me where you are
I know that I’m close
But we’re apart
Somebody told me you were here
Somebody told me...
Wish I could ever find you
Wish I could ever find you, hey...

Ring ring
Please pick up the phone
I know that I'm asking for too much
I swear I promise you that I'm
not gonna say a word
If you don't wanna listen
Listen, is there something I could do?

Please don’t leave me in the morning
Tell me everything is gonna be right
I said oh baby, don’t leave me alone
This Saturday night

Knock knock
Tell me who you are
Who and what are you looking for?
Just show me where you’re going to
Or at least let me know
If I could ever find
If I could ever find you, hey...

Please don’t leave me in the morning
Tell me everything is gonna be right
I said oh baby, don’t leave me alone
This Saturday night

© Brunettes Shoot Blondes. 2014 
JAMES, Connor Clements
About being gay
PEACE IN THE VALLEY, Michael Palmieri, Donal Mosher
Documentary about religion and gays

Marilyn Myller starts out as an epic story with a goddess-like creature that gives and takes and creates a new world, but it turns out to be a satire about creativity and being an artist. 

FAMOUS PAINTINGS, Maarten Koopman 
(Animation; no dialogue)
About war + song
Hidden Wounds shows what life looks like after war, when soldiers have to return home after they have fought for their country. They have to go back to their usual everyday life after they have seen the most horrifying things at the front. For this documentary, Tomas Kaan followed many veterans, from South-Carolina to England, through Belgium back to The Netherlands. Although their experiences may differ, they all suffer from the same hidden wounds. Post-traumatic stress disorder hits almost all veterans, young or old, wounded or physically completely healthy. 

DUMB WAYS TO DIE, Tangerine Kitty
 JORKA, Michiel Wesselius 
 About death
The story of the people who are left behind when they lose a loved one. We pass by all the different people who had a relationship to the person who died, and we watch how each one of them deals with this event
 JUNKYARD, Hisko Hulsing
About drug abuse + social issues

LEAVING HOME, Joost Lieuwma
About a young person becoming independant

WIRE CUTTERS, Jack Anderson
About sharing

LOVESICK, Spela Cadez (puppet animation; no dialogue)
Topics: Visit to doctor – body parts; illnesses; love
A modern version of Sleeping Beauty


Are you asleep, love? Are you asleep? Love... are you asleep?
I think somebody is looking for her bedtime story, is she?
How about your favourite? Sleeping Beauty.
Now, where is it... Let me see...
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away... a princess was born...
And she was very they called her Beauty.
Beauty was indeed, very beautiful. Just like yourself, love.
But, she was soon to learn that when it comes to the harsher lessons
of this live, beauty is not going to get you very far, very far, very far...
Anyway, soon it was the day of her Christening and everybody in the kingdom had gathered for this joyful occasion including the lovely, pretty fairies of the forest, who are soon to be Beauty's glamorous Godmothers.
Oh, yes! Everyone was invited to this Christening. Everyone, that is, except maybe the one person who might have done with the day out.
Do you know who that was, do you? I'll tell you. It was the elderly fairy.
And do you know why nobody had thought to invite the elderly fairy along?
Well, I'll tell you. It’s because she was old and decrepit and not one bit useful in the eyes of all the younger, more exciting fairies who all had still their muscle tone!
Oh, let's not invite the stinking old fairy, they probably said. She smells of dirty bedsheets and all she ever talks about is her bad knee.
Sure she's so old she’ll probably fall asleep after 10 minutes anyway.
Why should we care about someone who's spent her life working on behalf of the entire community?
So... the elderly fairy felt a little bit rejected and left out, as well she might...
So she decided she'd show that shower a thing or two about how it feels to be old and constantly sleepy.
First of all, she surprised them by appearing in the middle of their 'la-di-da' christening party... in a huge cloud of toxic, green smoke!
Of course, they had their excuses as to why they hadn't bothered inviting her...
Oh, I thought you wouldn't want to be out and about with your knee giving you so much trouble, said the queen.
I thought you died months ago said one of the stupid young fairies!
Now, do you think the elderly fairy, being older and wiser, was able to forgive them?
Don't be ridiculous! Of course, she wasn't!
She loomed over the cradle in a menacing manner and laughed for a very long time!
It was for longer then that!
Oh, look at you, aren’t you great with your smooth complexions and your social calendars dancing around on your working legs! You make me sick!
And you look at me. You find me so old and repulsive!
Well, I've learned a thing or two in my time. Try this on for size!
And with that, she put a terrible curse on the party... that each and everyone of them would die in the instant they ever fell asleep!
Alright, so, love, that's me for tonight.
You sleep well and I'll see you in the morning with the help of God.
# Sleep, go to sleep # # Go to sleep # # If they ever fell asleep # # They would die #
# They would die... They would die # # Die, die, die, die... #
Weren’t good enough for them !
AARDMAN ANIMATIONS: various short films
animation - Sainsbury’s ad 2015
Grammar: Past continuous
Levels: ESO
MAN ON THE MOON – John Lewis Christmas advert 2015
Song; Spirit of Christmas

FRESH CUT GRASS, Robert Cullen 
Topics: Life and dangers in a big city; Ambitions

 TICKY TACKY, Brian Petsos (fiction) 
A powerful, wealthy man (Isaac) discovers his girlfriend’s infidelity with his cousin.
 THE SHAMAN, Marco Kalmantari (fiction)
Topics: Science fiction; war; life in the future

MUSIC FOR ONE APARTMENT AND SIX DRUMMERS, Ola Simonsson Nilsson, Johannes Stjärne Nilsson
 Topics: Music – Rhythms/beats/sounds using household appliances
English – different household appliances and furniture in rooms; different action verbs

MUSIC FOR ONE X-MAS AND SIX DRUMMERS, Ola Simonsson Nilsson, Johannes 
Topics: Music - Rhythms/beats/sounds in an old people’s home; 

English – Christmas in an old people’s home

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